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Qualification of impurities based on metabolite data

Glowienke, Susanne (2020) Qualification of impurities based on metabolite data. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 110. ISSN 10960295


Regulatory Guidance documents ICH Q3A (R2) and ICH Q3B (R2) state that “impurities that are also significant metabolites present in animal and/or human studies are generally considered qualified”. However, no guidance is provided regarding data requirements for qualification, nor is a definition of the term “significant metabolite” provided. An opportunity is provided to define those categories and potentially avoid separate toxicity studies to qualify impurities. This can reduce cost, animal use and time, and avoid delays in drug development progression. If the concentration or amount of a metabolite, in animals or human, is similar to that of the known, structurally identical impurity (arising from the administered test material), the qualification of the impurity on the grounds of it also being a metabolite is justified. We propose two complementary approaches to support conclusions to this effect: 1) demonstrate that the impurity is formed by metabolism in animals and/or man, based preferably on plasma exposures or, alternatively, amounts excreted in urine, and, where appropriate, 2) show that animal exposure to (or amount of) the impurity/metabolite is equal or greater in animals than in humans. An important factor of both assessments is the maximum theoretical concentration (or amount) (MTC or MTA) of the impurity/metabolite achievable from the administered dose and recommendations on the estimation of the MTC and MTA are presented.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: 3R Degradation product Drug metabolite ICH Q3A(R2) ICH Q3B(R2) Impurity Maximum theoretical concentration Qualification Significant metabolite Specification limit
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2020 00:45
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2020 00:45
