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The natural product cyclomarin kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis by targeting the ClpC1 subunit of the caseinolytic protease

Schmitt, Esther, Roggo, Silvio, Miault, Charlotte, Krastel, Philipp, Noble, Christian, Beer, David, Rao, Srinivasa, Au, Melvin, Niyomrattanakit, Pornwaratt, Zheng, Jun, Jeffery, Douglas, Pethe, Kevin and Camacho, Luis (2011) The natural product cyclomarin kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis by targeting the ClpC1 subunit of the caseinolytic protease. Angewandte.


Tuberculosis presents a major global health challenge. With the expansion of drug resistance and the spread of extremely-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, the identification of novel drug targets has become paramount. Here we show that the ATP-dependent chaperone ClpC1 is the target of cyclomarin, a potent anti-mycobacterial natural product. Our findings validate the Clp protease as a novel drug target in Mtb in both growing and hypoxic non-growing bacteria.

Item Type: Article
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2016 23:45
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2016 23:45
