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A minimal metadata set (MNMS) to repurpose non-clinical in vivo data for biomedical research

Moresis, Anastasios, Restivo, Leonardo, Bromilow, Sophie, Flik, Gunnar, Rosati, Giorgio, Scorrano, Fabrizio, Tsoory, Michael, O'Connor, Eoin C., Gaburro, Stefano and Bannach-Brown, Alexandra (2024) A minimal metadata set (MNMS) to repurpose non-clinical in vivo data for biomedical research. Lab animal. ISSN 1548-4475; 0093-7355


Biomedical research is experiencing a data explosion, yet the accumulation of vast
quantities of data alone does not guarantee a primary objective for science: building
upon existing knowledge. Data collections that lack appropriate metadata cannot be
fully interrogated or integrated into new research projects, leading to wasted resources
and missed opportunities for data repurposing. This issue is particularly acute for
research using animals, where concerns around data reproducibility and ensuring
animal welfare are paramount. To address this, we propose a minimal metadata set
(MNMS) designed to enable repurposing of in vivo data. MNMS builds into an existing
validated guideline for reporting in vivo data (ARRIVE 2.0) and contributes to making in
vivo data FAIR compliant. Scenarios where MNMS can be deployed in diverse
research environments are presented, highlighting opportunities and challenges for
data repurposing at different scales. We conclude with a ‘call for action’ to key
stakeholders in biomedical research to adopt and deploy MNMS to accelerate both the
advancement of knowledge and the betterment of animal welfare.

Item Type: Article
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2024 00:46
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2024 00:46
