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Strategies to Prevent and Elimination of Corynebacterium bovis from Animal Research Facility

Li, Leon (2020) Strategies to Prevent and Elimination of Corynebacterium bovis from Animal Research Facility. Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine.


With the development of innovative drug discovery, various of immunodeficiency mice or severe combined immunodeficiency mice was more widely used in each research institutions. The newly raised problem is that the barrier environment and animal populations of more animal research facilities be contaminated by Corynebacterium bovis (C.bovis). At present, the C.bovis has not been enrolled into China SPF Laboratory animal-Microbiologic standards, although this opportunistic pathogen has great threat to immunodeficiency animals. As rapid spread contamination and extremely difficult to eliminate of C.bovis, it is an extensive disaster to immunodeficiency animal facilities, and there was no appropriate prevention and elimination solutions in the past. In this paper, based on research progress and experience of two animal research facilities in past six years, a feasible strategy to prevent and eliminate C.bovis from barrier facilities was proposed.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Corynebacterium bovis; Immunodeficiency animal; Laboratory animal facility, Scaly skin disease
Date Deposited: 17 Mar 2020 00:45
Last Modified: 17 Mar 2020 00:45
