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Evaluation of plasma microsampling for dried plasma spots (DPS) in quantitative LC-MS/MS bioanalysis using ritonavir as a model compound

Li, Wenkui, Doherty, John, Favara, Sarah, Breen, Chris, Flarakos, Jimmy and Tse, Francis (2015) Evaluation of plasma microsampling for dried plasma spots (DPS) in quantitative LC-MS/MS bioanalysis using ritonavir as a model compound. Journal of Chromatography B.


Background: Quantitative bioanalysis of dried plasma spots (DPS) is not subject to the impact of hematocrit and sample non-homogeneity that are often encountered in dried blood spot (DBS) assay. In the present report, an evaluation of plasma microsampling for DPS using SAFE-TEC® devices was conducted using ritonavir as a model compound orally administered to dogs. Results: The measured ritonavir concentrations in the DPS samples prepared using SAFE-TEC® devices and directly from the conventional wet plasma using standard pipette were compared with each other and against those of conventional wet plasma. Both DPS results correlated well with each other and were comparable to those of the wet plasma. Good incurred sample reanalysis results were obtained for the two sets of DPS samples and plasma as well. Conclusion: A simple approach of plasma microsampling for DPS was evaluated. The approach can serve as an alternative to DPS sampling via standard pipetting and wet plasma in in vivo studies.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: • Dried plasma spot (DPS) sampling: A technique in which small volume of plasma is spotted on cellulose or polymer cards. • Plasma microsampling: A technique in which a small volume (<100 µL in general) of blood is collected from study subjects into capillary tubes or other equivalent devices. This is followed by centrifugation to separate plasma from the blood cells. The resulting plasma can be transferred into small sample (wet plasma) vial or spotted onto cellulose or polymer cards (DPS). • Dried matrix card. Cellulose or polymer based material of known characteristics, used for the collection, shipping and storage of dried matrix spot samples
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2016 23:45
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2016 23:45
